Samantha Raduns
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Right after High School I had decided to start my own photography business. Running a business while being a full time college student wasn't the easiest thing Ive done but im glad I did it! After earning my Degree and moving out of my hometown I decided it was time for a new path, This leads to my career in Real Estate. After studying, research and lots of determination, I became a licensed Real Estate Agent in 2021. My favorite part about being an Agent? Making new lifelong connections with new clients. Buying a home is one of the largest purchases you make in your lifetime and my goal is to make it a seamless, stress-free process.
Right after High School I had decided to start my own photography business. Running a business while being a full time college student wasn't the easiest thing Ive done but im glad I did it! After earning my Degree and moving out of my hometown I decided it was time for a new path, This leads to my career in Real Estate. After studying, research and lots of determination, I became a licensed Real Estate Agent in 2021. My favorite part about being an Agent? Making new lifelong connections with new clients. Buying a home is one of the largest purchases you make in your lifetime and my goal is to make it a seamless, stress-free process.
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Zambito, REALTORS, 8329 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY, 14020, (585) 798-9898, info@bhhswny.com